As nervous as I was (still am) we have been giving Johnson the Gerber Graduate Puffs. Here are a few pics of him trying them out.
(the pics of Johnson and his puffs
are from about 2 weeks ago)

This picture of Johnson was taking by Aunt Jayce over the weekend.
Look at that face would ya...such a happy guy!

Don't laugh at our FORT!
Jordan & Johnson played in this for hours!
Let's see....what a great weekend! Bummed today, Jerry and I both have the day off and it's raining. I was horrible about taking pics over the weekend, my camera didn't go with me anywhere.
I'll start first by posting a few things from a week or so ago. The garage sale Tiffany and I had went very well. We were both a little nervous because it had rained all night the night before. Jerry was out of town, so my dad came to help us get it all set up! Thank goodness. I forgot how much work it really is getting ready for a garage sale. AND, I laugh every time I think of was about and I were just starting to get things outside. In the paper I had stated NO EARLY SALES. SO, what happens?!?! A lady pulls up outside and walks right into our spare room. The sliding glass doors were open and right on in she comes. Dad and I were both like "may we help you" and she says "I'm just looking around" then dad says "the sale doesn't start until 7". She then says nothing.
She just kept making her way in closer and closer, almost to our kitchen.
Some people! hehe!
My buddy Emily stopped by the sale and her and I were chatting it up and I asked her about some white stuff on the back side of Johnson's lip. (he had been really moody that week, I thought it was his teeth) Emily says, "it sounds like thrush, does he have it on the inside of his mouth" So...I looked and wanted to fall to the ground. OMG! He had thrush all over. Tiffany went and got our neighbor nurse and sure enough she's thrush. I called our doctor on his cell phone on a Saturday...(felt bad for that)...doc called him in some medicine and Johnson is all better now. Doc said thrush is a side effect from coming off an antibiotic and Johnson had just finished one up. Our doc is the best!!
Jordan's last day of school was Friday. Well they went long enough to pick up report cards. Jerry was home and had Friday off so he was able to take her. Jordan really liked that. 2nd grade here we come!!
Friday night Emily and I went shopping in Effingham. Lots of fun! Lots of great deals.
Saturday some of our friends from Carbondale came to Olney. Dave, Lauren and their little girl Autumn. We had lunch at the Holiday (our new favorite spot). After lunch they came back to our house for a bit. It was so good to seem them. It had been over 1 year since our last visit. That evening Jerry, Jordan, and myself went out to the Taylor Campgound here in town and hung out with some friends that were camping. Good time!
Jayce was hanging out with Johnson giving him lots of love!!
Sunday we went to the Vincennes Rendezvous. It was OK.
Later that day, Jerry took the top off his jeep. My mom watched Johnson for us. Jerry, Jordan and myself went riding around in the jeep. It was a blast.
Today we are not doing much at all. I made tacos for lunch, doing some laundry and thinking about our vacation to Florida. We can't wait. We are leaving at 6am Saturday morning.
We are so ready for sun, beach and ocean!