The Ginder's had a great Easter day.
However, Johnson ran a fever for most of it. Poor guy. Hope he kicks this soon. He has a cough starting now.
We all got up around 8am. Jordan ran to the door to check the porch for Easter baskets. My mom came over around 9 to bring Easter baskets that the Easter Bunny left at her house. We then all got ready and headed to Jerry's mom and dads. We had some yummy food and had an egg hunt. Jerry took the kids for a jeep ride. Johnson fell asleep around 2. Jordan went to the lake with Jerry and Brenda. Jerry worked in the yard. I watched New Moon while Johnson was taking his nap.
(After this movie, I am on Team Jacob) hehe!
Once Jordan got home her and Jerry went running around.
Then this evening we had Jerry's grandparents over for pizza.
Hope that everyone had a great Easter!