Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Really is there only 26 more days until school starts? All I can say is WOW. Where did the summer go?!?! My Jordan is going to be in the 3rd grade. All I can say is WOW to that too! She is growing up way too fast.

If you read my blog, you know that we had planned on going to Florida back in May, but decided to move our trip to August because of the oil. We are leaving August 7th and we are so excited! Jayce did an awesome job standing on the beach with her bucket and shovel catching the oil as it hit their beach! haha! Actually their part did not get impacted like everyone thought. Great news!

When we went to Florida last year Johnson was only 8 months old. We can't wait to see how he reacts to the ocean. He loves water and loves being at the lake so we are thinking he'll be just fine!!!!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

85 and 65

On Saturday the Ginder's had good times at the cabin. We celebrated Grandma Tweet's 85th birthday. And, we also celebrated her & John's 65th wedding anniversary. It was a great day!

While waiting on the food to finish up, Jim took Grandma Tweet a ride on his Harley.
Johnson giving Aunt Jill some smiles!

Jordan invited her friend Maddison to go out with us.
They had a great day of tubing and swimming.

Johnson & Josie!