Well, tomorrow my baby girl turns 7!! I just can't believe it. As I was uploading pictures, the tears were just rolling down my face.
After a long 9 months (morning sickness morning, noon and night) thank goodness I had an easy delivery....Jordan Mason Ginder was brought into the world.
- Born on March 25th, 2002 at IU Medical Center in Indy
- 7:35pm
- 7 pounds 9 ounces
- 20 1/2 inches long
I didn't get to upload any baby pictures. Ya know, back 7 years ago I didn't have a digital camera. So, after scanning some pics it was one problem after another. Some were too big, some too small. Just when I thought I had that fixed, I had issues uploading. After about 30 minutes I gave up. I work on computers all day, why would I wanna work on mine? :)

have a happy birthday Jordan! It is so bitter sweet to see them get older.