Saturday, December 10, 2011

Prayer Time

I ask that you please say a prayer for my mom. About a month or so ago, she found a lump in her breast. On Friday her doctor took a biopsy. Waiting on the results are just about to do me in!! She is a tough lady and has been thru so much! Praying so hard that we get good news!

Thanks in advance for the prayers!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Tomorrow, November 3rd, Jerry and I celebrate our 10 year anniversary! What a ride it's been. I love this man with all my heart. He has something planned for the weekend and I'm so excited. Usually we go out to eat and watch a movie. I'm shocked that he actually took the time to plan something and I have no idea what it is!!

He told me to pack a bag and that we would be gone for 2 days!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Johnson!

The baby of the family turns 3 today! That just sounds crazy to me! My kiddos are growing up so fast. Johnson keeps Jerry and I on our toes. The child really has no fear. He is talking so much. Loves to color (looks like he may be left handed...just like daddy).

Tomorrow we are having his Birthday Party at the lake with family and close friends!

Can't wait to celebrate.

Happy 3rd Birthday Johnson Montgomery Ginder!

We love you more than you will ever know!

Friday, August 5, 2011

New Schedule

  • I have been working part-time for awhile now and I really enjoy it. It's nice to get out of the house a few days a week and the extra spending money is nice too! ;)

  • Next week, I go from 2 days a week to 3 days a week. Honestly, I am really looking forward to it. My Johnson is not a baby anymore (he will be 3 in Sept). He is growing up too fast. He has a great daycare. Small Blessings. He is learning so much there. Jerry will be gone next week......I'm ready to see how the kiddos and I handle getting into a new routine. (we will miss a day of sleeping in)! hehe!

  • On another note, Jordan will be attending school at St Joe. WE ALL ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS! 4th grade here she comes.

  • PS - I hope to start blogging more. Sorry it's been so long!

  • Have a great weekend all!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

1st Airplane Ride!

Over the weekend we took the kiddos out to the Olney-Noble airport for their fly-in. We were a little bummed because most of the planes had left because of the storm & rain. My friend Brandi came too with her kiddos. We had a great time and the breakfast was yummy!! Our buddy Keith is a pilot and had his plane out giving rides. Jordan has been flying with Keith about 7-8 times. Johnson took his 1st ride while we were there. Jerry said he loved it. Looked out the window the entire time.

Jordan & Johnson get their love of flying

from their daddy...because momma does not enjoy to fly!!

Thanks Keith for taking the kiddos flying and thanks Brandi for taking the pictures!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Jordan!

When we first saw you, we knew it was real & that you were going to be a big deal. Those bright blue eyes, that tiny little face, we just wanted to keep kissing your face. We never knew we could love someone so much!!
Jordan Mason, we love you so so much! You are growing up so fast and we are so proud of you. We hope you have the best day ever with your friends at school and we can't wait for your party tonight!
PS and just so you know, it's snowing on your birthday!
Happy 9th Birthday Jordan Ginder!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

More Birthday Party Pics!

A Birthday Party Jordan will remember for many, many years!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Birthday Party

Our Jordy Bug will be 9 on March 25th!
That sounds crazy to me! She is growing up way too fast! Over the weekend, Jayce & I took her and 7 friends to Club Tabby in the Evansville Mall for her Birthday Party.
WOW! Did they have a good time!

Getting ready to leave!

Bathroom stop in the mall before we walked down to Club Tabby!

This was outside of Club Tabby.
Made Jordan smile from ear to ear!

Jordan after her makeover!

The girls after the Fashion Show!
This was so much fun!

Getting ready to enjoy a cookie cake and some drinks!

Hanging out.

Club Tabby party is over. It was 2 hours. Jordan and her buddies
had such a great time! After leaving the mall Jayce and I took them to Pizza Hut.
They had an indoor play area. After pizza, we headed back to Olney. The girls ended their fun
by TPing our neighbors! :)
AND, a big Thank You to Aunt Jayce for going with us! I could not have done this by myself!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Birthday Wishes!

Happy Birthday to my mom tomorrow AND Happy Birthday to our cousin Ashley!
Hope you both have a great day!
I have not been doing a very good job lately keeping my pictures updated!
This picture is over a year old.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Congrats...It's a boy!

Congrats goes out to my cousin Brent & his wife Kaci!
They welcomed Trey Edward Wells into the world today. They are now a beautiful family of 5.

Ash, I know you check out my blog...I swiped the picture from you!! ;)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

say another prayer....

I ask that you please say a prayer tonight for my Aunt Georgia. She had a
heart attack and will be having surgery very soon. And, also I ask that you say a prayer for a good friend of mine & her sweet baby girl.
"Prayer requires more of the heart than the tongue" - Adam Clarke

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I ask that you please say a prayer for my mom. She had an apt today and had some blood tests turn up not so good. More tests and apts to follow!
Much appreciated!

Monday, January 24, 2011

After school

Today after school Madison and Reed came home with us!
They are so sweet!
Jordan is all about making "faces" these days!

Take # 2...and she did it again!


Reed is up to something!
Look at that face! ;)

Who says

you have to get in the fort?
Why not make a slide out of it?
Jordan had so much fun sliding down her snow fort.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Quick & Easy

Today I made a recipe out of a Relay for Life cookbook.
Cheeseburger n fries casserole.
It was quick, easy and the kiddos loved it.
2 lb ground beef
1 can golden mushroom soup
1 can cheddar cheese soup
1-20oz pkg crinkle cut fries
6-8 slices of American cheese
Pre-heat oven to 350
Brown beef and drain. Stir in soups. Pour in greased 9x13 baking dish. Cover with cheese slices. Arrange fries in a single layer on top. Bake, uncovered for 50-55 minutes.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The fun.... never ending when we're playing and pretending!That cute little quote is what's on Jordan & Johnson's shirts.
I ordered these shirts from Small Blessings. Jordan has a pink one and Johnson has a blue one. I thought they were just too cute to pass up!
Also, I have been playing around with my camera software and liked the way this picture turned out! Maybe a new hobby?....

Fun in the snow

Jordan & Johnson are having so much fun with all the snow. Today they spent the afternoon outside with daddy. They built a fort and rode the snowmobile. I'm so glad that Jerry has been in town so he can join in on all the fun. Tomorrow they are going to build a snowman.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Me + Kitchen = interesting

I'm gonna just put it right out in the open - I DO NOT ENJOY COOKING! Wish I did, but I just don't. The Ginder menu is usually one of the following: chili, tacos, spaghetti, or eggs and toast. Like mentioned before one of my goals for the New Year is to cook more. WELL, let me tell you what happened over the weekend as I'm trying to keep my "cooking more" goal.

  • Saturday Jordan had a friend here. I was really wanting a fruit pizza, so I ran to IGA to pick up the goodies. The recipe I found called for sugar cookie dough. So as I'm bouncing around in the kitchen getting things ready while the cookie dough was cooking in the oven........the kitchen starts to smell like smoke. Jerry and Johnson came to the kitchen wondering what in the world I was doing. Just as the parents of Jordan's friend pull up in the drive, the smoke alarm starts going off!!! They walk house stinks and we can't get the damn alarm to shut up!!! I was so embarrassed!!! What happened was....I had put the cookie dough on my pampered chef round stone. Guess it was not big enough because the dough was falling off the side of the stone and onto the bottom of my stove. All of this for a fruit pizza!
  • Today, we didn't get up until around 11. (Johnson is a night owl). I decided I would make some breakfast. Pancakes, hashbrowns & biscuits and gravy. Again, as I'm bouncing around in the kitchen making the pancakes...I wondered to myself "why in the world does my mix look like this?" It took me a minute and then it hit me! I was trying to mix 4 cups of pancake mix, rather than 2! After adding a little more milk they turned out to be very yummy! Boy I tell ya! This cooking stuff kicks my ass!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I am not one to really follow politics. I have however been watching the news since the shooting in Arizona. It broke my heart. Last night after the kiddos went to bed, Jerry and I started watching a little more of the news. Can you believe that protesters were actually going to show up at the funeral for the young 9 year old that was killed? I was just in shock. This poor family who lost their little girl in this hate crime from hell should not have to put of with this!!! Thank goodness today I heard that the church officials decided they would not protest at the funeral, but would do a radio show or something like that Saturday morning.
My heart goes out to all who have been affected by this horrible tragedy!
God Bless!

Snowmobile FUN!

We went out tonight and had some snowmobile fun!
Jordan was so happy and so was Johnson once he figured out he could ride it!

Nights like tonight are nights I love.
Making memories with my kiddos that they will remember for years to come!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fun in the snow!

This evening I got the kiddos all dressed warm and cozy and we went outside to play in the snow.
Johnson wasn't sure what to
think of it all, but after
watching sissy play in it, he started doing the same.
He did take a face first dive into the snow at one
point. That really ticked him off, but after some loving from momma, he got right back up and started playing again!

I could not help but post this picture!!
When Jerry got off work, he tried and tried and tried and tried to get the snowmobile started. He had no luck. Jordan was MAD!
So, guess where Jerry is now? He and our neighbor are out working on it.
So hopefully tomorrow they can get it out!
Stay warm my blogger friends!

Baby Riley

Yesterday and today we had the pleasure of having baby girl Riley at our house. Her mommy is Jerry's cousin, Micah. Riley is so so so sweet. Johnson & Jordan both loved having her here.

Please say a prayer for Riley.
When she turns 6 months old, she will have surgery on her heart. Her heart has a hole in it and is on the opposite side of her little body.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Jerry (hand update)

Jerry had a doctor apt this week.
His last apt was 8 weeks ago.
He was hoping to get fully
released, but doctor told him to come
back in 6 months.
He is doing really well.
There are however, 2 things I notice he does a
little different now and they are
  • puts Johnson in his car seat differently
  • gets change out of his pocket differently
I have posted some pictures of his hands
that were taken the day of his accident.
They are not real clear. Sorry about that.

Left wrist.
You can see that a piece of bone just chipped right off.
This hand also had a broken thumb, but you can't see it in this picture.
Right wrist.
This picture really speaks for itself.

Saturday at the Ginder house

So far I am doing pretty good about my "cooking more" goal. I really don't enjoy cooking, but am working hard at making more meals at home. This morning, rather than ordering our usual from either The Holiday or Daylight, I made breakfast. Pancakes with apples & bananas. They were really yummy.

For lunch, it was pretty quick. I put some hotwings, fish sticks and fries in the oven. After lunch we told Jordan she needed to start on some homework. Johnson decided to get out a trashbag.

(and no, we didn't let him keep it for long)

Notice the curls in her hair?
She stayed the night with Korbyn lastnight. Korbyn curled her hair. I heard they had a great time and even did a dance routine for Brandi & Dave!

Have a good weekend everyone!