Sunday, January 16, 2011

Me + Kitchen = interesting

I'm gonna just put it right out in the open - I DO NOT ENJOY COOKING! Wish I did, but I just don't. The Ginder menu is usually one of the following: chili, tacos, spaghetti, or eggs and toast. Like mentioned before one of my goals for the New Year is to cook more. WELL, let me tell you what happened over the weekend as I'm trying to keep my "cooking more" goal.

  • Saturday Jordan had a friend here. I was really wanting a fruit pizza, so I ran to IGA to pick up the goodies. The recipe I found called for sugar cookie dough. So as I'm bouncing around in the kitchen getting things ready while the cookie dough was cooking in the oven........the kitchen starts to smell like smoke. Jerry and Johnson came to the kitchen wondering what in the world I was doing. Just as the parents of Jordan's friend pull up in the drive, the smoke alarm starts going off!!! They walk house stinks and we can't get the damn alarm to shut up!!! I was so embarrassed!!! What happened was....I had put the cookie dough on my pampered chef round stone. Guess it was not big enough because the dough was falling off the side of the stone and onto the bottom of my stove. All of this for a fruit pizza!
  • Today, we didn't get up until around 11. (Johnson is a night owl). I decided I would make some breakfast. Pancakes, hashbrowns & biscuits and gravy. Again, as I'm bouncing around in the kitchen making the pancakes...I wondered to myself "why in the world does my mix look like this?" It took me a minute and then it hit me! I was trying to mix 4 cups of pancake mix, rather than 2! After adding a little more milk they turned out to be very yummy! Boy I tell ya! This cooking stuff kicks my ass!

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