Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thinking of you.....

...we are thinking of you Jayce and Nathan!
Nathan, our brother in law is leaving this week for a 6 month deployment to Qatar. Qatar borders Saudi Arabia. While Nathan is gone, Jayce will move back to Olney. Jerry's parents are flying out tomorrow for Florida to help Jayce drive back.
Nathan...be safe and we will be thinking of you EVERYDAY! LOVE YOU!
Their one year wedding anniversary is at the end of May....I'm sad for them that they will be apart!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Weekend pictures

Why do the weekends go so fast?

On Saturday afternoon, Jordan hung out with our cousin Savannah. They went to the Flora park and played, ate lunch and done their nails.

Saturday night, Grandma Brenda took Jordan to watch the Hannah Montana movie.
(Jordan looks way too grown up in this picture)

Johnson enjoying his cold wash cloth...wish those teeth would hurry and come up.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

So, maybe I went....

....a little too long between nail trimmings....sorry "big guy"
I guess at least they match and he has one on each side! :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Prayer Request

The Ginder Family is thinking of the Baughman Family today. Dan Baughman passed away Saturday evening after a battle with cancer. His son Jared and I went to school together.
Please say a pray for them today...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

What did you just say?

What an interesting week the Ginder's have had. Johnson, Jordan and myself have again been hit with the cold, runny nose and sneezing.. It's really starting to get on my last nerve.

Jordan over the last 2 weeks, has been worrying over EVERYTHING!! Worried that someone is mad at her, worried she didn't put her toothbrush up the right way, worried she said a bad word, worried she isn't a good friend, worried she hurt the Easter Bunny's feelings because she wanted to trade barbies...it goes on and on. Bless her heart. Jerry and I are starting to freak out just a bit. She doesn't wanna eat much and she has not had a good night of sleep in I don't know how long. Any advice...send it our way!!

SO.....on Tuesday, Jordan came home and asked Jerry and I "what does sex mean?"
What the h*ll...are you kidding me....she's in the 1st grade. We told her it was a very bad word and to never ever ever say it again. I asked her where she heard that word. She said a girl in her class asked her (Jordan) if she knew what it meant. Jordan said no, but I'll ask my mom tonight and tell you tomorrow.

City Wide & we'll miss you daddy

I had made plans with my mom and Aunt Georgia to hit some sales during City Wide. Well, after a long Friday night/Saturday morning with Johnson hitting some sales was the last thing on my mind. Jordan stayed the night with them on Friday. Hoping she would get a good night of sleep and not worry about things all night.
I ate a quick breakfast and took a shower. Jerry and Johnson were watching Spongebob when I left at 7 to go pick up the girls. Jordan went with us too and had a really good time. She liked the sale that was selling cookies and soda. I had $26.00 in my wallet. Still not in the mood to shop I decided not to go to the bank for more money. After sale # 2, I was coming out of it and was getting excited over some great sales I had found.
I came home with $1.00 left and this is what I picked up:
Car seat for Jerry's truck
6 leap frog toys that are in awesome shape
TV trays (not sure why, guess I liked the design)
Little flower rug for Jordan's room
Hat for Johnson to wear at the lake
Pink bear for Jordan
Old Navy shirt for Jerry
Flip flops for Jordan
Not too bad, right?
Jerry leaves tomorrow at 5AM.
He will be gone until Thursday.
Be safe & we love you!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Brandi

Tomorrow is Brandi's Birthday!
The Ginder Family is sending Birthday wishes her way!

Stacey, me & Brandi at my work baby shower

Me, Stacey & Brandi....Xmas party 2007 (I think)

Brandi & Johnson

Happy Birthday Brandi!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter with the Ginder's

On Easter, we went out to Jim and Tanya's for some yummy Easter food.
Fun was had by all!!
I didn't get pics of everyone..darn it, but here are the ones I did get.
Jerry, Johnson & Aunt Tanya

Uncle Jim, Jerry, Johnson, Jerry's dad (can you see him) & Jarod

Aunt Jill, Joey & Josie

Aunt Jill & Josie...love that face girl!!!

Josie, Jerry & Johnson

Uncle Jim, Johnson & Gma-Tweet

Johnson, Megan & Jordan
Hope that everyone had a great Easter!!
PS - now, do you remember all those "J" names? hehe!

Happy Easter

We had Easter with Jerry's mom & dad on Saturday. Aunt Jayce, we wish you & Nathan could have been here. The kids had a good time.

We celebrated Easter with my mom on April 5th, and I didn't take a single picture.

Jordan hunting eggs at G-Ma Brenda's

Jordan loved all the goodies in her basket

Johnson hanging out

Jordan...still looking for eggs!

Our big guy is a BIG GUY

Our Johnson "Big Guy" had his 6 month check up on Friday. Boy, is he off the charts. He is wearing 18 months & some 24 months.
Stats as of Friday
  • 24 pounds
  • 29 inches long

Happy Birthday Maddy!

Happy Birthday Maddy.....we hope you had a GREAT BIRTHDAY!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Have a good week daddy!

Jordan, Johnson and myself want to wish daddy a good week! He leaves tomorrow for Houston,Texas! Hopefully he'll be home on Friday!!
We love you! Be safe!

Look at me go!

Johnson has got it figured out that he can now move all around the kitchen!

"screaming" of a good time!

A hunting we will go....

....for eggs that is! My work had an Easter Egg Hunt Saturday morning.

Johnson all relaxed....hat is a tad too small.

Get 'em Jordan get 'em!

Korbyn, Jordan & Kaleb

School Program

Jordan had a school program on Friday afternoon. It was so cute to watch all the kids sing and dance around.
G-Ma Tweet and one of her cute little friends came to watch Jordan too!!!

New toy for Johnson

Johnson played on the floor for almost 1 hour with this bunny. It was so funny!!
Notice the red pants? Jerry dressed him....enough said! ;)

Cute artwork

Jordan is so proud of her chick in the egg!! It is pretty darn cute! Can you see the bow?

Thank you Jordan

I came home from work on Wednesday and this was in the kitchen.
Thank you Jordan! I love it.
G-Ma Brenda took her to Ivy's and let her pick it all out :)