Thursday, April 29, 2010

Shopping - Year 3

I'm really looking forward to year # 3 of shopping with my gals. The Saturday before Mother's Day we take off and go to Tuscola.
We always have a great time!
Year # 2

Year # 1

Saturday, April 10, 2010


My brother and MaryJane sent Jordan some awesome birthday gifts.
She received them this week.
She thought it was really cool that they came all the way from California.

Johnson had a good time playing with the box!

Fun in the sun

Avery & Johnson had a hoot of a time playing outside!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Day!

The Ginder's had a great Easter day.
However, Johnson ran a fever for most of it. Poor guy. Hope he kicks this soon. He has a cough starting now.
We all got up around 8am. Jordan ran to the door to check the porch for Easter baskets. My mom came over around 9 to bring Easter baskets that the Easter Bunny left at her house. We then all got ready and headed to Jerry's mom and dads. We had some yummy food and had an egg hunt. Jerry took the kids for a jeep ride. Johnson fell asleep around 2. Jordan went to the lake with Jerry and Brenda. Jerry worked in the yard. I watched New Moon while Johnson was taking his nap.
(After this movie, I am on Team Jacob) hehe!
Once Jordan got home her and Jerry went running around.
Then this evening we had Jerry's grandparents over for pizza.
Hope that everyone had a great Easter!

Pictures from Aunt Jayce's camera while she was home

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter weekend fun!

Today we had Easter at my moms. After eating, my mom and Aunt Georgia had an Egg Hunt for the kids. Later in the day Jerry and I took Jordan & Johnson out to the lake. Johnson ran right to the water. He'll keep us busy out there this summer. To finish the night off the kids colored some eggs!
We had a great day!
I love days like today!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sink & floor

A few weekends ago Jerry and his dad put in a new sink in our kitchen and a new faucet. I love the faucet. For some reason, the guy who remodeled the house, replaced everything but the kitchen sink.
Any hoo, it's done now and we really like it.

We also had a guy come in and lay this flooring for us by the front door. The room is all carpet and no matter what kind of rug I had at the door, it just wasn't cutting it. It seemed like I was always running the vacuum picking up all the dirt that came in on our shoes. This is working like a charm.

Easter Bunny is in Newton?

Jordan on the phone telling Aunt Jayce
about the Easter Bunny....
***see post below for story***

Happy Easter!

Egg hunt

On Monday, I had an Egg hunt at the house for the boys. Our yard was still a tad wet so I had it inside. Drake came and hung out with us so he was able to join in on the fun.

Jordan loves Easter.
I'm so glad she still believes in the Easter Bunny.
This is her on Monday after school.
Tonight I went to tan. Jerry took the kids to Wal-Mart. When they got home Jordan ran inside and had this look of "excitement" on her face. She says to me "on the way home from Wal-Mart daddy told me that he heard on the news that the Easter Bunny is already in Newton and that he had to stop and get a drink out of a creek because he was thirsty!"
How cute!!