Sunday, November 29, 2009

Jordan and Johnson

I took these pics of the kiddos yesterday.
I thought they were just too cute not to share! :)

Boys and Harley

My dad was here one morning. The boys loved his Harley. These are the boys glued to the window after my dad started up his bike.

The eyes say it all....they are watching my dad take off!

Christmas Parade

Jordan was in the Olney Christmas Parade with Star Dance Studio. This is her and some of her dancing buddies before the parade started.

Christmas Tree is up....

Jordan had fun playing in the box while Jerry and Johnson put up the tree.

Johnson watching Jerry put up the tree. Making sure he was doing it right.
We decided not to put any decorations on our tree, since Johnson was taking them right back off. It was funny. So, we have a tree with white lights. No decorations or not, it looks good to us!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thankful for... I sit here and type and think about our busy day tomorrow...I can't stop thinking about those who don't have a place to go tomorrow to share a day with family...
I have so much to be thankful for. I could type out a zillion things, but my little guy is having trouble using the "bathroom" (get me?) so I don't know how much time I have on I will share a few!
  • God
  • My life
  • Jerry
  • Jordan & Johnson
  • My buddies
  • My baby blanket (those who know me really well will get this one)
  • pepsi
  • warm showers
  • lip gloss
  • google
  • a good bra
  • hand sanitizer
  • waffles
  • the roof over my head
  • that my kids don't go without food

K - Johnson is clearly getting my attention now...

Happy Thanksgiving all!!

House hunting.....

stresses me the hell out!!!
It's hard to house hunt when your hubby is only home 1 day a week.
Thankfully he was home every night this week, so we were able to look at a total of 5 houses this week. Just when we "think" we found the one, another comes up. We keep going back and forth. We are trying to be smart about this decision. The last one we looked at this evening really took my breath away. Not really the location we were looking for, but Jerry and I both fell in love with the inside. It's all new. 4 bedroom and 2 bath.
We have lots to be thinking about in the next 2 days.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

To my brother on Veterans Day....

Happy Veterans Day to all who have served our country
and who are currently serving our country!
God Bless You!
AW - we miss you so much and hope to see you around Christmas.
*This nation will remain the land of the free
only so long as it is the home of the brave*

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Tomorrow - Jerry and I celebrate our 8 year wedding anniversary!
Jerry and I met at the skating rink. We were both 15. We were "boyfriend\girlfriend" up until I was 20. I could sit here and write so much about him and I. Funny how things work out. God has been good to us. Jerry and I got back together in 2001. I was 24 and he was 23. We had not talked in years. I was living in Indy at the time. I checked my email one morning before work and had an email from him. The email said something like "if you are coming home this weekend, we are having a cookout at the lake, come out."
I remember my stomach feeling like it had a million butterflies in it after reading that email. I drove home that weekend and went to the lake.....
and that's all she wrote!! :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ginder Goblins

What a great Halloween the Ginder's had!!
We love Halloween!!
Jordan was a snow princess and Johnson was a clown. Jordan had her wig off by house # 5 and Johnson would not leave his hat on. Jayce came over and helped get the kids ready. They both received lots of yummy candy. Around 7:30 Jordan went with my mom to Sandy's house for some yummy Halloween food. (Sandy is my moms best buddy) Johnson crashed early. Once Jordan got home, we watched Ghost Adventures on TV, ate popcorn and drank pepsi's.
We had such a good time!!!