Sunday, February 21, 2010

Birthday! Birthday!

Sending Birthday wishes out to my brother! His birthday is tomorrow, Feb 22nd. He's in the Army and is currently stationed in California.
Miss you AW!
Hope you have a great day!

Wanted to share this picture. My brother is now training for his second body building contest! I'm not sure who the guy with him is, but I hear he is a famous body builder. The contest is either in June or July.
My parents are flying out there for it and they are so excited.

Also, we are sending Birthday wishes out to Grandma Brenda.
Her Birthday is tomorrow too!!
Have a great day!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Getting caught up....

Seems like it's been forever since I have posted anything on my blog. Ginder's have been busy. I'm sure most know, but we did buy a house. So excited! We have been in the house 1 week today. What an up and down ride it's been since we started looking over 1 year ago. Move in ready was on the top of our list and we finally found one we liked with the square footage and floor plan we were looking for. A corner lot would have been nice, but we are happy with what we decided on. Come spring we can't wait to landscape and remove the current porch and put a new one on. We bought some new appliances, living room furniture, kitchen table and Johnson a BIG BOY bed. I almost have everything out of boxes. The one thing I am not adjusting to very fast is having stairs. Trying to carry my 30 pound son up the stairs can be a tad hard sometimes!!!! :)
Jerry is still traveling like a crazy man. He spent this week in Texas.
Jordan is doing great in school. Received a phone call from her teacher on Friday. It was so sweet!!! They have a spelling test every Friday and Jordan has only missed 1 word since the beginning of school! We are so proud of her!
Johnson is going on 17 months! Crazy!! He amazes me everyday. His favorite new word to say is "HOT". Jordan will be 8 next month, and that is really just hard to believe and I'm having a hard time with her growing up so fast.
Hope all is well with everyone!