Thursday, July 30, 2009

10 months!

I say it every time and I'm gonna say it again...where does time go?
Our "big guy" is 10 months old today!!
I didn't get the squash off his face for this picture....

but, I did for this one!


Well, tomorrow is the last day of work at Pacific-Cycle. 2 months shy of 7 years. It's been a great last week...a busy one, but a great one! I had lunch with my department at the Olde Tyme and then today Brandi, Stacey, Carrie and I went to the Ranch.
Good times! Good times!
My boss is in Connecticut. On Wednesday, I received these beautiful flowers from him. They smell wonderful!!!
Today, there was a food carry-in. Lots of yummy food and good times chatting and saying my goodbye's. We had everything from pasta salad to taco dip to cookies to brownies....
At about 2pm this afternoon everyone that was free gathered in our department and gave me some very nice gifts. The card was signed by all and full of money. 20's, 10's 5's and 1,s. The angel is a Heart Warmers Moments Angel. The tag that came with it says...For the "moments" we live everyday in our lives, for the wonderful memories we create and for the touching experiences that are heartfelt; "moments" are our own personal treasures...
By buddy Tina that works in the Customer Service department gave me this huge bag of tootsie rolls. It was perfect. Every time I was over in her department I would take one.....OK, so maybe more than that!!
I am so lucky to have worked at such a great place and to leave there with so many friendships and lots of memories!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Pictures from Aunt Jayce

Below are some pictures from Aunt Jayce's camera.
I am in love with them and wanted to share! :)
Jordan and Johnson taking a ride on Jordan's slip-n-slide!

This was taken at the Tin Cup in Noble.
We celebrated Gma Tweet's bday there.

This is what happens when Jordan stays the night with Aunt Jayce!

Big guy all smiles for Aunt Jayce!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A few pictures from the last few weeks

Jordan showing off her new tooth that is coming in!!

Our big guy loves his prunes!!

Jordan driving Johnson around in her jeep!!

They love to roll around on the floor!

Have a good week everyone! This is my last week of work!

OMG! So exciting!! :)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

No Go...

It was a no-go on our "date night". Johnson has not felt well since early Friday AM. We just didn't feel right leaving him.
We stayed home and gave him lots of loving!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I feel like I do not say this near enough. I am thankful I have 2 healthy kids, I am thankful for my husband, I am thankful we have a roof over our heads, I am thankful for all my family, I am thankful for all my friends, I am thankful for each day I have. And again, I am so thankful that I have 2 healthy children.

I ended up at a blog this afternoon that just broke my heart. The family I was reading about has a child with cancer. I just can't even put into words what I feel for them, and I don't even know them. I pray that the good Lord will take them in his arms and guide them all. I also pray that one day the word CANCER will be a word of the past.

So, tonight I am going to let Jordan play her video game all evening and not make her put it up just because I'm annoyed by the sound and I will let Johnson have a hay-day with his prunes and not worry about it getting all over my wall or floor!!! And, I won't smart off to Jerry about not helping me around the house.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A date it is....

SOOOO, the last time Jerry and I went anywhere without the kids was his work Christmas Party. For the love, that was 7 months ago. I mentioned to him last night that I thought it was time we go on a "date". He agreed. He's on call this weekend so we can't go far. We decided that we would go to Vincennes and eat, hit JCpenny's and then a movie. (I need some new shoes, that's the reason for the trip to JCpenny's)
My dad is coming over to hang out with the kids!
The picture below was taken by Jordan the night of Jerry's Christmas Party.
We both had drank some wine...can you tell by our eyes?!?! hehe!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

weekend stuff

Here it is Sunday already...why do the weekends go so fast?
We had a great weekend. Saturday all the Ginder's went and ate at the Tin Cup in Noble to celebrate G-Ma Tweet's bday. Good food as always. We were a bit late...had a freakin' flat tire. Today all the Ginder's headed out to the lake for the Ginder-Philips reunion and to celebrate July bday's. So much yummy food. Happy the rain stayed away while we were all out there.
As of tomorrow, I have 3 weeks of work left. (not that I'm counting or anything....yeah right!!) It will go fast I'm sure. I'm working on closing out all my projects I have open and passing over all my information to my buddy Larry that I work with. Leaving work is bitter-sweet. I have made so many friends out there. We have such a good time. But, on the other hand, I won't have to format anymore computers, install anymore software, work on printers...and so on. But, best of all...I get to stay home with Jordan and Johnson! I enjoy what I do at Pacific-Cycle, but honestly I am burnt out on it all and probably won't miss any of it.
This is Jordan after a night at the Richland County Fair!!
On Saturday night, Jordan went to the fair with my mom and Aunt Georgia. These 2 pictures were taking Sunday morning at almost 11. We had to wake her up so we could get to the lake.
The fair kicked her a$$. She had such a great time.
(and of course, she slept in our bed.) She's such a bed hog.

Our Johnson, he likes to be silly....even when he has a new tooth coming in!

We noticed over the weekend that Johnson has a new tooth coming in. A front one on top. He's been a bit fussy and if he could talk now, I'm sure he would say something like "this is really starting to piss me off"
Poor guy!
Sunday while getting ready for the reunion\bday celebration's
we kept him happy with this old laundry basket.
We do whatever works.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Big day in Evansville

Friday, since Jerry and I both had the day off we loaded up the kids and went to Evansville. We had such a great time and the kids did great! We hit the zoo, mall, build a bear, ate at Lone Star and ended our trip at Toys R Us!

Jordan's new build a bear!

As always, Johnson loving the water!

I could not stop looking at this snake.
He was freakin' huge!

When we got there, found out that Stacey and her kids were there.
Jordan, Madison and Reed together for a picture.
They were still there when we left.

My lucky bamboo

My mom has one of these and every time Jordan goes over to her house, she wants to bring it home. Mom ended up getting us one last week.
She picked it up at Downtown Dollar...they are said to bring health, happiness, and good fortune.
It sure brought me some good luck....our Relay For Life Team at work was selling tickets for a longaberger raffle to raise money for their team. Since we are going to one income at the end of this month, rather than buying the 10-15 tickets like I would have in the past, I only bought one ticket....and I WON!!


Jordan loves to sing!
Here are some pictures of her last week singing around the house...all Taylor Swift songs.

Johnson is 9 months old!
His doc apt was perfect!

I love this picture....look at the face would ya!

Last week, our cousin Ashely came to visit the kids.
Great time!